Going off the Grid

Did you know that the World Wide Web and the Internet are not the same thing? If you did, I'm sorry to have doubted your intellect. Even though they are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference worth noting.

What's the difference?

Essentially, the main difference you want to note is that the Web is only a part of the Internet. Recall that the Internet is a "network of networks". This means that multiple devices around the world each implement a series of protocols that help transfer data from one device to another. Data transfers over multiple devices, such as a router and modem, that enable this transfer.

Meanwhile, the World Wide Web, is just one medium of accessing this data, albeit a heavily popular used medium. It employs the HTTP protocol, thus consisting of a series of hyperlinks and requiring you have a web browser installed on your computing device.

Timmy Turner in the "Information Stupor Highway", an episode from Nickelodean's hit TV show, Fairly Odd Parents. In my opinion, it excellently portrays the way information is transferred over the Web.

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