Memory, All Alone in the Motherboard

The CPU’s Best Friend: RAM

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. This is where temporary data is stored on your computer. Note the keyword, temporary. When you turn of your computer, the data that was stored on your RAM is erased. So you may ask, why do we need it in the first place if it won’t save our data? What saves our data then, if not RAM? Well, to answer this question, let’s think about the following analogy explained in the following video. I hope you like salad.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD):

A hard disk drive is what stores the bulk of your long-term, saved data in your personal computer. It is also known as your hard drive. lightbulb ding It consists of a traditional spinning disk. You can also store your data on an external hard disk drive, which is what a lot of people do when they run out of storage space on their computers or to guard important information. Nowadays, there are different methods for storing data, but we’ll get to that next week.

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