In-Class Project 1: Lifting the Hood

Project Objectives:

Welcome to your first Raspberry Pi Project! This entire project should be done by the end of the day. I will be assigning groups to work on two separate devices. The objectives of this project are as follows:

  1. Be able to identify fundamental hardware components inside a computing device.
  2. Compare and contrast the internal architecture of old computing devices versus more current ones.
  3. Learn how to strategize and work as a team to work on a single project.

Task: Break Open an Iphone

  • Step 1: For five minutes strategize as a group how you would go about breaking open this Iphone.
  • Step 2: Follow the instruction flowchart and this video for further instructions.
  • Step 3: Make note when you've found one of the fundamental hardware elements (peripheral, cpu, memory).

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