In-Class Project 2: Creating a Desktop

Now that you know a bit more about software and hardware, we are diving right into using the Raspberry Pi's by creating our own desktop computers!! It is time to think critically, what components must a computer have to be a functioning desktop computer?

What you will need:

  • One Raspberry PI (we are using model B’s)
  • 8 gig SD card containing Operating System software
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Power Supply (USB cable connected to wall)
  • Monitor
  • HDMI cable
  • Ethernet Cable (optional)

How To Guide:

This video will be your guide throughout the process. We are not providing you with explicit instructions, since the point is to be able to identify the appropriate ports for each peripheral on your own. Everyone will be setting up their own desktop, but feel free to work collaboratively.

Setting up your Raspberry Pi from Raspberry Pi Foundation on Vimeo.

Everything Installed and Ready to go?

Now it is time for you to explore the operating system! As you will see, Raspbian looks very similar to other operating systems you have used in the past, only with less features and applications. Go through the menu and load whatever application looks most interesting to you. For example, open IDLE PYTHON 2 and test a line of python code!

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